What did you say?

Jackie - 2004-12-01 09:04:57
You are too kind to me and my shoes. (they were hype though) I can verify that work has been a beast for you. I am a loser for not updating in so long I think I will work on that this week. We will have to plan a dinner with the neighbor....he has to meet the parents sometime.
warcrygirl - 2004-12-01 09:21:08
Cool news on the neighbor, glad to hear it's all been good. :)
allie - 2004-12-01 13:02:33
girl - we were some smack talking women last night - we need to add jackie to the mix next time!
Incredipete - 2004-12-01 14:29:43
Just dropping by to let you know I'm still alive. If by "alive" you mean "not deceased."
Wendy - 2004-12-01 16:47:08
Wonderful, Petrie! Keep up the good work.
Jackie - 2004-12-01 16:51:13
yay Jackie in the mix! I will try not to act like a giggling school girl next time I talk to you allie. (but no promises)
Allie's friend Mary - 2004-12-06 15:21:54
Wendy: I've heard tidbits about you and the neighbor. And isn't talking to Allie the best way to spend any evening???
Wendy - 2004-12-07 08:35:27
Hey Mary! Any friend of allie's is a friend of mine. That girl is the best is she not? I love to talk to her because if nothing else she is a grown ass woman! And for the latest neighbor tidbit---check this out: I had me a sleepover on Saturday! What?
HRT - 2004-12-08 18:53:17
Hey kids, here's another country chiming in, I too am in that state of being known as "not dead" however my life has sped up just a tad. And when I say just a tad, I mean like the ocean is a tad moist, or the Grand Canyon is a bit of a drop.

It's called hyperbole and sarcasm people, live it, love it, enjoy it.

Anyway, good to hear things are going well for ya Wenderific, I'll catchya more, again laters.
word, and fo shizzle.
allie - 2004-12-11 00:31:42
wendy - i'm going to have to INSIST that you update miss girl

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