What did you say?

Plop Phizz - 2004-11-25 14:34:09
Happy T-day, lady. That's Turkey day for most of us, Tofu-day for a few of us, and Thanksgiving for all of us. -- P.P.
Wendy - 2004-11-25 18:52:05
Right back atcha plop phizzle.
allie - 2004-11-25 21:56:26
you had thanks for me. make up. and cool whip. that's it - i'm in love - let's make out :)
incredipete - 2004-11-25 22:26:31
I'm thankful for my new laptop with a huge ass widescreen. Effing awesome!
Jackie - 2004-11-26 08:38:11
You make me laugh time and time again. How true this list is. Butter. That is so you. It's the little things in life.
Stacey - 2004-11-29 10:05:48
Hooray for BUTTER! And for you. I'm thankful I got to "meet" you this year!!!
Wendy - 2004-11-29 13:43:55
Awww. Stacey is so nice :)
Anisettekiss - 2004-11-29 13:45:11
...and I thought I was the only one Thankful for butter. .. word up
allie - 2004-11-29 14:50:26
LOOKIT - i know your ass is all busy and whatnot ... but i'maneed you to update .....
Wendy - 2004-11-30 09:42:30
Girl you just don't know. I am too freaking busy. What with work and the delicious neighbor and all. I will try to get to it tonight. Promise. Call a sista sometime aiight?
allie - 2004-11-30 14:44:22
i know you will "get to it" with the neighbor - what i need you to do is UPDATE! :) and i'll call this week sometime.

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