What did you say?

Incredipete - 2004-11-19 08:13:25
Fizirst!!! Sex is better medicine than laughter, but laughter is good, too.
Wendy - 2004-11-19 08:16:59
How would you know Pete? J/K
Jackie - 2004-11-19 08:19:31
"you never know what they will end up being good for" Truer words have NEVER been written by you. THIRD!!!!!
Stacey - 2004-11-19 08:48:04
Laughter and sex at the same time? The BEST THING EVER. And, just for the record, for women laughter can be better than even the very best sex. It's incredibly connecting, and we like that shit.
warcrygirl - 2004-11-19 10:23:30
The first boyfriend I lived with had this great talent as well. For the first 30 minutes in bed at night we would giggle and laugh and just say stupid stuff. It made the sex that much better, and he was the one who showed me that sex is supposed to be FUN and not just something that was expected of me.

Unfortunately, that was his only talent...
allie - 2004-11-19 10:23:51
look at what stacey wrote - cause all i have to say to that is ditto. try the veal!
HRT - 2004-11-19 19:27:20
Now laughing ABOUT someone's sexual ahem *prowess* in bed is um not NEARLY as much fun as some women might think. Not that I'm saying from personal experience mind you. I'm not saying, I'm just saying...

My motto in bed is everyone goes home happy (even, or is that ESPECIALLY if you live there).

oh and p.s. I ditto the chicks that talked about how great it is to be able to laugh in bed AND have great sex. Silly, funny sexy, yummy like Sunday Morning.
Wendy - 2004-11-20 01:27:32
All righty then.
allie - 2004-11-23 12:12:50

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