What did you say?

Incredipete - 2004-11-08 08:01:11
I read your entry and wanted to be first, but my brain is not functioning enough to offer an actual incitefull comment... so FIRST!!!
warcrygirl - 2004-11-08 08:11:45
Holy Cow! *giggle* Sounds like you got more done in two days than I get done in a week. And a "couch date", you GO girl! ;)
HRT - 2004-11-08 10:09:39
Back in the day, me and the Girly-Girl© used to watch football on Sunday afternoons. We'd start watching the 1 o'clock game and it'd seem like we'd blink and the 4 o'clock game was ending. I think that's where my love for the game really started to take off, if you know what I mean.
Wendy - 2004-11-08 10:15:44
Oh I do know what you mean. Time does indeed fly when you are having fun. Football comes on tonight doesn't it? Maybe I will have to "watch" some..
allie - 2004-11-08 13:16:40
i'm very proud of you - ya big ol slut! :)
Wendy - 2004-11-08 14:32:16
Allie!!! I am soooo glad to see you girl! I was so scared you would not learn of my joy. It is official. I am a dirty girl....Yay dirty!
allie - 2004-11-08 14:34:06
yeah, the blog is gone - but i'm gonna keep up with you sister ... my little dirty girl in training - you KNOW i want details - all of them ..... email or phone is you must
Wendy - 2004-11-08 14:51:40
You must e-mail me the contact info. Becasue I have wonderful details to share.
sassykk - 2004-11-08 14:59:17
I am so jealous, and happy for you at the same time. I did a little "watching" of the TV on sat night, but it was with a friend that I don't want thinking it was anything more than "channel surfing". Know what I mean? Go Wendy! Go Wendy!
Wendy - 2004-11-08 15:03:17
No need to be jealous. I will be sure to think of all my girls whilst watching said tv. That's as close as I can get you to it.
Jackie - 2004-11-08 16:39:41
Yay Wendy! Hi Allie! we missed you so terribly. Wendy said she knew what you were talking about when you talked about the shaving burn on your cheeks. Hee hee.
Jackie - 2004-11-08 16:40:30
p.s. thats right Wendy I called it out on you. That is what best friends do.
allie - 2004-11-08 16:41:56
damn girlie! i'm just not getting over mine - cocoa butter is your friend...and when i talked to mine - i MADE him shave ... i sat on the counter and watched him do it!!! i recommend that - ya big slut
Stacey - 2004-11-08 18:05:37
I'm doin' a happy dance fo' ya, sister! :)

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