What did you say?

maf - 2004-10-29 08:58:51
i'maneed a little more detail on these hugs...i'm just sayin.
Jackie - 2004-10-29 08:59:56
That was good. Friday is happy happy time. Where are we going for lunch? Somewhere good because it's payday.
Brian - 2004-10-29 09:05:21
Hugs? Me thinks it is time to upgrade to something a bit more gratifying...
Wendy - 2004-10-29 09:10:44
Details, huh? When he was about to leave he came over to where I was sitting on the couch and leaned down and gave me a hug and said aiight I�ll see ya later, it was fun. I must say I was caught off guard and probably blushed like a school girl. Then as I was about to go to bed I noticed he had left a sub from earlier that he was going to take for his lunch today (what is it with men? I cannot under any circumstances eat a day old, been in the fridge all night, sub. But for some odd reason, men don�t mind). Anywho, I had to run it over to him because it would not be right if he went hungry today. So I knocked on the door handed him the sub then I walked up and gave him a hug. And being that I was prepared for this one, it was complete with the back rubbing�..hee hee. Wathca think?
Wendy - 2004-10-29 09:11:37
Me too Brian. Did I mention I invited David to your house for a fun-filled evening with you and Jackie?
maf - 2004-10-29 09:12:59
i told him you'd put out and can suck paint off a wall... was that too forward of me?
warcrygirl - 2004-10-29 09:15:24

This week has been long for me, too. It was supposed to be my week off from babysitter but her husbands' schedule changed and I agreed to keep him this week as well. It makes posting difficult but the extra money is nice.
Stacey - 2004-10-29 10:29:57
BWAHAHA! YAY for the hugs and for your funny entry. Also, I did update AND AND AND, you're on my blog roll. Happy Friday, chick.
Incredipete - 2004-10-29 13:09:45
Friday? I've sort of lost track of the days being flu-stricken... Well, I'm glad it's the weekend. I guess. Thanks for the heads up on the time change....
Wendy - 2004-10-29 13:47:10
Hot damn! I am on the blog roll o'Stacey it is a fine, fine day. Thanks hussie!

Yup Pete it is Friday....alllll day looong!
HRT - 2004-10-29 13:55:58
Sounds like you ALMOST had a date Wenderific. A good hug is good indeed.
Wendy - 2004-10-29 14:53:17
I'm workin on it Unc, I'm workin on it....
Wendy - 2004-10-29 15:22:02
One Question IQ Test There is a mute who wants to buy a toothbrush. By imitating the action of brushing one's teeth, he successfully expresses himself to the shopkeeper and the purchase is done.

Now if there is a blind man who wishes to buy a pair of sunglasses, how should he express himself? Think about it and give me your answer!
Incredipete - 2004-10-29 17:13:25
Um... maybe he should just tell the effing clerk what he wants, considering he's not mute. And hell, the blind guy wouldn't know if they were sunglasses or not. Give him some reading glasses as a cruel but funny practical joke.
Meg - 2004-10-29 17:26:50
Why would a blind guy need glasses at all?
maf - 2004-10-29 18:45:07
lemme get another glass of wine and i'll come up with a brillant answer
Wendy - 2004-10-30 06:30:47
Very good flu-ridden Pete. I must admit that so far you and the Jackster are the only two people that came up with the answer right away. Myself, like Meg, all I could think was why would a blind guy need sunglasses? Does the sun really bother blind people? So I felt like a tard (for a second) when I saw the answer. Hey, it was a long effing week....

Have a glass of wine for me maf my sweet...thanks, you are nice....
Incredipete - 2004-10-30 13:54:26
My brain works better when it's superheated...
Wendy - 2004-10-30 13:59:33
You have a brain? Who knew...

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