What did you say?

maf - 2004-10-25 08:32:23
know what i still love and i'm waiting for - the whole off the shoulder - not shoulder-less ... but ala flashdance - cause trust me - i have a great neck and shoulder - i love that look ... LEG warmers ... oh my god - who wants their caves to look fatter?!?!
warcrygirl - 2004-10-25 08:33:44
Oh man, talk about a trip down fashion memory lane! Remember those rainbow shirts? The ones with the 3/4 length sleeves and the rainbow that started on one arm, went across the chest and ended down the other arm? Or Ditto jeans?

Jeez I feel old...:)
Incredipete - 2004-10-25 08:35:19
I just remember wearing a LOT of courderoy...
Jackie - 2004-10-25 09:02:58
The whole time I was reading your entry the song in my head was "let's get physical". The only other thing I can say is they didn't call me Jordache Jackie for nuttin. (sad but true- but I was only like 9) Oh and I too had a rainbow shirt...and rainbow shoe laces...
maf - 2004-10-25 09:06:09
did anyone notice my typo where i referred to my ONE good shoulder - like i have a neck and one shoulder - then like beanie baby growing out of the other side of my neck - sheesh allie - you need more coffee.
Wendy - 2004-10-25 09:10:28
Don�t worry, maf I am sure it will make it�s way around and now I have a strong urge to rent Flashdance�.

I love the sound corduroy makes�.
Wendy - 2004-10-25 09:12:04
OMG! Olivia Newton John!
Stacey - 2004-10-25 13:54:13
Proud former owner of both the rainbow shirt (which I had TOTALLY forgotten about) and legwarmers. If I'm not mistaken they were light pink and light gray. WHY OH WHY???????
BigpimpinMBA - 2004-10-25 15:31:25
I'm soooo re-opening a Chess King and I'm selling parachute pants, Adidas with no shoelaces, Vans, Painters caps with the checkered mullet flap in the back, Miami Vice jackets and white sequined gloves for your right hand only. I'll be rich. Rich I tell ya!!!
Wendy - 2004-10-25 16:17:43
Not the painters caps with the mullet flap! I am laughing so hard because I can totally see my brother wearing one, mullet and all. You will be another Donald Trump for sure.
HRT - 2004-10-25 17:52:13
I think all this really means is that Aunt Wenderific is still the hypest Mom/Aunt in the hizzy, fo sheezy.

Word & Fo Shizzle.

p.s.. did anybody mention parachute pants yet? I had me a dope pair of them when I was in 7th grade. Granted they had so many pockets it took me an hour to find a pencil but still.
Brian - 2004-10-25 19:05:12
But who had the Coca-Cola rugby shirt? Or the kamikaze painter's cap (sans mullet flap)?
HRT - 2004-10-25 20:47:20
I had me a dope coca-cola rugby shirt, coca-cola swatch-like watch, and those aforementioned bad-ass parachute pants.

did I mention the flye Run DMC Addidas with the untied flourescent blue fat laces? Ok, granted I didn't have addidas they were converse, but trust me I managed to JUSt about pull it off, cause I was cool like that.
Wendy - 2004-10-25 21:03:22
I had the Coca-Cola jeans. I wore them with my Chuck Taylors. I had a pink pair and a purple pair. I would wear one of each. What?
maf - 2004-10-26 08:31:03
WENDY - we're the same person - i totally did that with my chuck taylors ... rock on! i'm looking for a pair now - i'd love to have another purple pair
Jackie - 2004-10-26 08:31:30
I had a Coca-Cola watch! I totally forgot about those! I loved that watch- and my Swatch. I wish I still had it. If I ever see one like it at some retro sale I am so buying it.

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