What did you say?

HRT - 2004-10-22 18:16:33
I used to talk about 7th grade dances as a metaphor for innocent male female relationships, but these days, geesh, kids know more by 4th grade then I think I knew til college.

Then again I always said I was a late bloomer. Maybe I peaked too late. Oh and Auntie Wenderific, a Bbusters gift card runs about $5-10 bucks, that could be a good tweener gift. What about a ringtone for her cell phone. Don't all 13 year olds have cell phones now adays?
Wendy - 2004-10-22 18:54:53
I am scared of kids these days. Plain and simple. Thanks for the suggestions dude.
Jackie - 2004-10-22 21:42:37
I would love to have a lite brite or an easy bake oven--actually anything easy. hee hee.
Brian - 2004-10-22 21:45:36
When I was in 7th grade, I went to a dance. That was the extent of my social life. No date, just me and a couple of friends. I was 12 at that time... Dungeons and Dragons, computer games, and soccer. The shit is effing scary now. Hope we have a boy... If we have a girl, she'll be chained to the front porch until she is 27.
warcrygirl - 2004-10-22 21:55:08
You could get her a $30 gift cert for A&F, then someone else could get the other $30 for her and she'd get her outfit. That's how it usually ends up with my family.

I've heard reports of 12 year old girls giving blow jobs at the back of the bus on the way home from school. I'm so glad I have boys instead of girls; I only have two penises I need to be worried about instead of every single penis in the city.

And my oldest will be 6 in January. Just how scary will it be in 6 years?
maf - 2004-10-23 08:20:51
my goddaughter is 8...i'm not ready for these discussions of blow jobs in the back of a bus. i would have to kill her with my own two personal hands...but i gotta agree with the toddster ... gift certificates are always a good way go to...at least for the kids ... i myself like a picked out gift - but that's just me - i'm just sayin :)
Wendy - 2004-10-23 08:30:04
**Hands over ears going la la la la la la la** Please, I cannot hear these things. I would kill her too maf AND I would rip that little prebuscent penis right off the little fuck and cram it down his throat. Know that!

I agree, gift certificates are easy but I do like a gift, gift. Also, I like a wrapped gift. They are way more exciting than a gift bag. Not saying I don't like or appreciate the gift bag, gifts are always welcome in any variety, there's just something about ripping into that paper....

Brian I so hope you have a girl. It is my wish. I am your cousin. Make it happen, please. (But I will love a stinkin boy just the same. Will you let me put cute pink dresses and bows on him for fun?)
warcrygirl - 2004-10-23 16:06:18
Sorry, guys, I didn't mean to upset anyone by the bj on the bus comment. I heard about it happening in the news and it just shocked me so bad.

But then again I am a worry wart about stuff that might happen in the future. And I wonder why I can't sleep at night...
Wendy - 2004-10-24 00:29:24
It's all good. I've heard the same thing. The thing I want to know is this: where the hell are these girls' mothers?
maf - 2004-10-24 14:52:35
ok petey pete - my apology to you for the name calling is on my site ... hope you see it.

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