What did you say?

Incredipete - 2004-10-21 18:08:06
Sounds like someone's drawing unstated conclusions from my entry.
Brian - 2004-10-21 20:41:00
I'm not the one ragin' on tubby folks... Look in the mirror... Sounds like a little bit of self-hate going on to me...
warcrygirl - 2004-10-21 20:52:08
At least you got to donate, I tried last Friday and my hemacrit level was 37% and you have to be at least 38% to donate. They tested me twice. Dammit.

Fat peeps ROCK.
maf - 2004-10-21 20:54:01
i'm fat. i'm ok with it. cause i'm fan-fucking-tastic. i'm cuter than 98% of the general population, have dates often, men want me, women wanna be me. oh, wait - that's not what we're talking about ... wendy - a mom dinner - can't bet that with a stick...and a new baby. i'm still just tickled to death about this ... and oh yeah - yay you. you're my hero - you know this right? love, me.
Wendy - 2004-10-21 20:57:25
Unstated or inferred the conclusion drawn from your entry is the same. You don't like overweight, no eff that pc crap, fat people. You said, as stupid as it is: "Another reason is that many people, not just me, make the same correlation I do. I have to make a conscious decision to push down that thought so I can get to know someone. Many people won't take the time to really get to know you, because they will assume there is something screwed up at your core. You could be the nicest, smartest, most interesting person in the world, and 99% of the people you meet won't ever know it. That's pretty sad." Translation: You are fat because you want to be. I am so offended and sickened by you that I cannot bring myself to see past the fat in an effort to know YOU. You are not worth it anyway because you could be what I think you should be but you choose not to. But now if you were skinny, I would instantly know that you are a model human being with nothing short of wonderful attributes and therefore worthy of my time and attention.

You say it is sad that 99% of the people a fat person meets will not know anything about them beyond their looks. I think it is pretty sad that there are people like you (with your holier than thou attitutde)who will not even take the time to even try to give people a chance and see past it.
maf - 2004-10-21 21:04:02
"I think it is pretty sad that there are people like you (with your holier than thou attitutde)who will not even take the time to even try to give people a chance and see past it." ... wendy - i'm thrilled he came clean with who he really is - so i know not to spend anymore precious time dealing with him .. and i have more time to comment on your kickin' site!
sassykk - 2004-10-21 21:51:34
Screwed up at what core? I am not overweight, TODAY, I have been, in my life, what some might consider "FAT", I'll be bold and honest here... I am 5'9" and I weigh 158 lbs, I carry it well (the FAT that I have now). At one point I weighed 211 lbs. I did Not Carry that "Well", but ya know what?????? I am the exact same person, inside and OUT today as I was when I was heavier. The real truth be told, I was a more sincere and honest person in a shit load tons of ways when I was heavier.... WHY??? Because I was all about being ME and not the "more visually appealing by the standards of others 'ME'". I'm going to lay this shit on the line... I was more myself, more honest, more carefree and REAL when I was heavier. Now, don't get me wrong, I FEEL beter as a smaller person (health-wise), BUT, I am so self consumed sometimes by how I "look" that I loose sight of who I REALLY am. I am not a size, I am not a cute ass in those jeans, I am not going to eat another salad for dinner if you fucking pay me. I am a woman, with a mind, and opinions, that can't spell and I love to eat. It's a catch 22 that I would rather ditch for the fucking fudge brownie. Just sayin'
Wendy - 2004-10-21 21:58:16
Question: Is everybody locked out of Pete's diary or is it just me?
Wendy - 2004-10-21 22:04:24
That's what I'm talking about sassy. We shouldn't have to make apologies to anyone about who we are.

maf, you know the welcome mat is always out for ya sister. Party day every day...
Incredipete - 2004-10-21 22:08:33
It's everybody. I got 68 death threats from people I've never heard of nor met today, and it's the last time. The plug has been pulled. Thanks for giving me the benefit of the doubt, gang. My several close overweight friends will be shocked to learn that I hate them.
Incredipete - 2004-10-21 22:11:05
And I'm still right. It's better to be thinner. My doctor said so, and hell, he's a doctor. (Note that I didn't say "a better person" which I'm sure is what all of you assume that I mean.)
Incredipete - 2004-10-21 22:19:34
AND, you will note that the comment "screwed up at the core" was a reference to what "many people will assume." Hmmm. sounds like I was speaking in the hypothetical, doesn't it...
Wendy - 2004-10-21 22:27:49
I think, no I know, you said "many people, not just me, make the same correlation I do." Not just me, that means you doesn't it? Just askin'...
Incredipete - 2004-10-21 22:31:19
And what was that correlation I was talking about? It looks like you pasted the end of one paragraph with the start of the next one... I'm just saying...
Wendy - 2004-10-21 22:38:04
Well, Pete it seems like alot of people see what you wrote the same way. And we are all smart people, we understand what we read. I'M just sayin'....
Incredipete - 2004-10-21 22:40:43
Apparently they didn't understand what they read. Partly my fault for not being clear. But I would think after all this time, people would give me a little bit of rope before they tightened the noose.
Wendy - 2004-10-21 22:50:40
Is that like.... an apology?
Incredipete - 2004-10-21 22:58:19
You could call it an apology for not being clear. Certainly not an apology for my intentions. I know what I meant, and I won't apologize for that.
Kathy - 2004-10-22 01:45:32
Ah, controversy! I don't remember everything that you, Pete, posted -- but I do recall at the very beginning some comment that what you were about to post would not be very popular, but you were going to go ahead and say it anyway (or some words roughly to that effect.)

It appears that the reaction was more adverse than you anticipated!
Incredipete - 2004-10-22 05:31:07
Sometimes the truth hurts.
maf - 2004-10-22 07:04:19
hurts who pete?
maf - 2004-10-22 07:58:00
cause from where i am ... no pain here... wendy..any pain??
Wendy - 2004-10-22 08:15:26
Let's see, ummm, nope. The more I think about it, the only pain I feel is the pain in my ass that is Pete. You see, he thinks he is justified because he "thinks" he is right. I just want to know who the hell appointed Pete to be the conveyor of all truths. Sad thing is, he will never get it.
maf - 2004-10-22 08:31:07
but the good thing is you/we know that now. i understand what he's maybe thinking in his head that he's saying - but at this point he seems to be so concerned with being "right" that he's drawn himself into a corner. sounds like his truth hurts ... not THE truth ... and oh yeah - i flashed the office today -on purpose .. so yay me.
Wendy - 2004-10-22 08:54:42
Some people cannot find it in them to admit when they are wrong and they end up alienating themselves from good, smart and even sometimes fat people. These are the same people who find themselves terribly lonely at the end of the day.

Friday flashing! It doesn't get any better than that.
Jackie - 2004-10-22 09:20:05
Pete--Just wanted to let you know--when you were selfish and closed your page it fucked up the banner on my page. That is why I took all of your shit down---because you had to have a password to get onto my page or the banner wouldn't show up. Of course, eventually I will be able to fix THAT.
Stacey - 2004-10-22 11:05:45
A couple things, not that they're needed at this point, but here they are anyway: -- Death threats? EFFING STOP IT. Pete typed some rude words, he's NOT a child molester. Please, people, I'm the fattest one here and I'm not even angry. -- Pete, you came off like a superior son of a bitch, even though you didn't mean to. I'm sorry you won't be playing anymore. -- Everyone with an opinion has the perfect right to express it. Popular or not. That includes those of us who thought Pete came off like a complete and total asshat. -- Good luck ever being "right" in our postmodern society. -- Allie, you are my flashing hero.
HRT - 2004-10-22 12:00:02
The possibility, however remote it may be, is that I love Stacey even more than I love Allie. And not just because her boobs are bigger either.
Wendy - 2004-10-22 12:37:26
And what does that have to do with my entry, huh?

Have you ever had the shit squeezed out of both arms like six times in one sitting? Give a sister some pity wouldja..
maf - 2004-10-22 13:08:18
this is the face of a heartbroken woman. now ilove stacey more than i love allie - but damn todd. are you trying to kill me. and her boobs are NOT bigger than mine - just tanner.
Wendy - 2004-10-22 13:11:07
Shall I get my mom to send over dinner for you?
maf - 2004-10-22 13:16:09
please. wow - broken hearted... :(
HRT - 2004-10-22 13:26:03
Oh well then in that case, nevermind, my love for you (Allie) is immutable.

Still I love me some Stacey, just not the same way I love me some Allie.
Love you too sis (Wenderific). But I must say I am a bit ataken aback about this whole sir-pete-a-lot feud. I am not thrilled about this development at all, no not one little bit. So scuze me if I get a little bitter, before I get better and return to my banter.
Stacey - 2004-10-22 14:22:17
OH, TODD, you goofball. We *all* love Allie more than we love me.
Wendy - 2004-10-22 14:42:58
HRT: The sir-pete-a-lot feud. That is cute. I hope you are bitter about the so called feud itself and not me in particular. The truth is I have discussed this with Pete and we simply do not agree. He made some people mad and they told him about it. So what? And yeah, if death threats are being made that is extreme but I don�t think anyone here is guilty of that.

I said what I had to say about it and have tried this day to move on. Answer me this, why do I feel like all of a sudden I am the bad guy responsible for this mess? The things that I, Wendy, actually said to Pete were mild in comparison to others I read. So, if someone other than Pete should be blamed for it, might as well be me. Thanks.
Jackie - 2004-10-22 14:48:06
I agree with Wendy. I didn't care for the things Pete said but the main reason I got angry is because he took whatever he was feeling out on my page by messing it up. Why would you do this to someone just because they don't agree with you.
Incredipete - 2004-10-22 15:00:09
Interestingly, some of the rudest comments were from none other than Brian, who almost never comments on my page except to drop nasty insults.

As to the lockage of my diary... I had no idea it would mess up anyone else's diary. And everyone was freaking pissed long before I did the lockout. And yes, Wendy's comments were mild in comparison to many others, I will grant her that. That is all.
Wendy - 2004-10-22 15:06:01
But people are allowed to be pissed, Pete. You can�t have your butt kissed all the time, what would be the fun in that. So, how was the trip?
Jackie - 2004-10-22 15:09:47
I seem to remember Brian calling you narrow minded. I also recall that he backed up his statement. Though I guess we won't know for sure because when you got called out and couldn't think of how to respond you closed down. --As to the lockage of your diary...I don't think you gave a fuck how it would affect other people you just wanted to be pissy and make a statement. You can't stay off diaryland you're already back today--your site will be back up within two weeks---quit cryin.
Incredipete - 2004-10-22 15:10:21
No one has to kiss my butt. But intelligent debate is much preferred over being called an "ass" et al. The trip was, well... to the deep south. What a bunch of bigots! good lord. You'd get your mouth washed out with soap in Kansas if you talked like those people.
Incredipete - 2004-10-22 15:12:08
It was all "don't talk to them n____'s." and "we try to keep them n_____'s in line down here." GEEZ
maf - 2004-10-22 15:12:31
i didn't know i was a bigot. good to know...you can't get much deeper south than me. i LOVE the smell of a broad sweeping generalization in the morning.
Brian - 2004-10-22 15:16:58
I wouldn't call my comments the rudest if you got 68 death threats. Don't open a door and expct me not to walk through it... If you have a "nodding sycophants only" policy, I'll stay clear of your diary in the future...
Walker - 2004-10-22 15:25:05
I have tried all day to stay quiet, to not open my mouth and say something that I'll regret. And I think that I've finally come to a point where anything I say will not be regretted.

That being said, anyone who gets angry, or mad, to the point of calling someone names, or belittling them, over something that was said in their diary, has issues of their own. UNLESS the person specifically called you out, by name, you have no way of knowing that they were speaking directly to or about you, rather than to the group, or groups as a whole.

It's one thing to attack an idea, an opinion, and back it up with your own in a debate. It's completely different to attack a person because of their view. It's aboslutely in no way different than attacking someone for their religious belief or for how they feel about abortion or any other current event or issue.

Kind of makes me wonder why I'm even a part of this community of online people as a whole.
Incredipete - 2004-10-22 15:32:51
Well maf, once again you take what I said and took it personally. I was referring to the people I went to see. I'll try to use more adjectives in the future. And Brian, as I have said numerous times already, I enjoy debate. I just don't enjoy being cussed out.
maf - 2004-10-22 15:35:20
oh. ok. it's my fault. i'm done. out.
Jackie - 2004-10-22 15:36:44
You go Walker! Protect your man, thats what I'm talking about. Anyway, all that happened for me was that I felt like Pete was being an ass so I told him. And I can do whatever the fuck I want. Don't act like the things he said weren't shitty and everyone else is so MEAN. Like I said before--I wasn't even all mad about the fat crap--it was just a passing comment. I thought Pete was mature enough to handle it.
Incredipete - 2004-10-22 15:37:57
You can do what the F you want, anywhere but on my diary.

That being said, I too am done. Out. Feel free to keep talking about me on here, though, because it's entertaining.
Wendy - 2004-10-22 15:38:40
Brian does make a wonderfully valid point. Nothing worse than a death threat. I�m just sayin��

I will try to explain this to you as I tried to explain it to Pete. You may not be able to see what the big uproar is about if the topic �overweight/obese people� does not apply to you. Pete knew it could turn ugly, he even said so. People were insulted and feelings were hurt so they fought back. That is just not nice. So you are upset that Pete�s feelings are hurt but what about everyone else? Not saying tit for tat or anything immature like that. I am sure you know that if nothing else, human emotions are volatile
Wendy - 2004-10-22 15:39:28
See, Pete just keeps getting mad instead of trying to resolve it.
Jackie - 2004-10-22 15:43:27
Yes--ignore all of the valid points I made Pete and just concentrate on one line. And Fucking DUH-- you are out--you closed down your site. You did close down your site right--I mean you said you did because of the 68 DEATH THREATS. But don't bother responding to this we know you can't.
Jackie - 2004-10-22 15:44:54
Oh and P.s. you neve once said you were the least bit sorry for fucking up my site.
Wendy - 2004-10-22 15:47:37
Come back, Allie. You know I have super mad love for you!!!
Jackie - 2004-10-22 15:47:44
Let's talk about Pete's comment "Feel free to keep talking about me on here, though, because it's entertaining" ya--your such a hire being--all of the ignorant moron jesters here will entertain you. You think you are better than everyone else especially women and fat people and if no one believes me--go read Pete's site--OH WAIT.
Walker - 2004-10-22 15:49:29
Jackie, I'd defend anyone who was being treated badly, who I considered a friend. Even if it were another friend they were being treated badly by. And it's not just defending Pete, it's defending the right to say what you want without having to worry about being cussed out for it.

Wendy, you didn't specify that you were talking to me, but I'm going to take it that you were. If that's the case, I am one of the �overweight/obese people�, to put it out there I'm 5'7" and weigh roughly 220lbs. I'm not exactly tiney. But I didn't take offense to anything that was said in the entry. Every one keeps saying "broad sweeping generalization", and that's exactly what it was. It was a person's OBSERVATIONS. So why be upset about it?

Maybe that's just it. Maybe I just don't understand what all the fuss is about. Maybe, just maybe, I'm the less intelligent one and that's why I'm not so upset about it.

I'll also admit I was wrong. I don't regret saying what I have. I am however ashamed that I let myself get into this kind of discussion.
Not Incredipete - 2004-10-22 15:50:22
And still, they speak of pete... hmmm.
sassykk - 2004-10-22 16:29:15
WOW! This has gotten heated. Everybody take a deep breath, step back and remember we were all on friendly terms a few short days ago. I forgive Pete (not that he is looking for it), but we all say things sometimes that we mean, they come out just a tad off for whatever reason and you inadvertantly insult another person. One of my leasbian clients misunderstood one of my invoices the other day, and the brilliant Sassy blurted out (in a totally joking kinda way... I swear I wasn't thinking when I said this) "I wasn't trying to rape you on the price Pete (her name really is Pete), that would be GAY!" Good thing she had a sence of humor about it and made a joke about sharing a cigarette after the next price dispute. I know that little story doesn't translate directly to this situation, but I thought I might lighten the mood a tad!!
Wendy - 2004-10-22 17:24:54
I am so tired....

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