What did you say?

Incredipete - 2004-10-08 08:45:27
Also, the Mexicans and Chinese are taking jobs that most Americans just plain don't want to do, and they're doing them for 3 bucks an hour.

BTW, I am very impressed that you decided to tackle the issues of FTA's, Economics, Politics, and Social awareness. Good job.
Wendy - 2004-10-08 08:54:01
Well glory be! I have impressed the Incredione and it ain't even noon yet. YAY ME!
warcrygirl - 2004-10-08 09:07:14
You speak the truth, my dear, but I have a story to tell. When I was living in San Diego I took out a student loan for $5,000 and became a Certified Medical Administrative Specialist. Upon graduation, I hit the classified section of the Union-Tribune. Two full pages of jobs specified that in order for me to even apply for the job I MUST be fluent in Vietamese.


After a few months of struggling I decided to tell CA to go fuck its sun-shiney self and moved back to NC where everyone speaks English. Well, mostly English...

My mom is like that, she wants top dollar yet thinks she can still get a full paycheck and not bother to show up for work. Then she's flabbergasted when she gets fired.

God Bless the idiots.
Wendy - 2004-10-08 09:21:17
But at least you had enough sense to go elsewhere and actually get a job instead of sittin around belly achin about it all day.
maf - 2004-10-08 10:43:59
i will admit that looking for work is a bitch and a half - and there was a time here when literally NO ONE was hiring ... jobs that needed a college degree or not - but things eventually fall into the ..... it's not someone else's fault. i needed to, had to, was no choice to, work. so here i am. yay me.
HRT - 2004-10-08 10:55:34
I have been very blessed in I have always managed to find work fairly easily, but my problem has been finding work that I really excel at, and I think the problem many people have is they want an entry level CEO position. And they exist, but its called ENTRE-PREN-URISM. That is the difference I see in a lot of foreign workers is they are not afraid to work long hours for low pay building a business with a long term multi-generational plan in place. In 15 to 20 years these little Korean Deli's are going to be owned by millionaires.

Amazing what happens when people choose to make work happen as opposed to being entitled to having stuff given to them.
HRT - 2004-10-08 10:56:10
You happy? I commented, no bitching now, at least not until Monday. ;^)
Plop Phizz - 2004-10-08 11:42:56
As with any heated topic, a lot of what sonds right versus wrong depends on how much respect there is for the person delivering the message. If you hear someone ranting about this issue who clearly does not have a good work ethic, then everything that is said is suspect. On the otherhand, there is a trend in this country to give American jobs to non-U.S. workers which is resulting in lower quality product and services. Corporations transcend geographical bounds and focus on bottom lines, so this can be a problem. Of course, this is a bit outside the scope of your example, which is focused more on U.S. citizens of different races. So I will stop here :) -- P.P.
Wendy - 2004-10-08 11:49:00
I am extremely happy and I never bitch.

Hey maf, after what HRT said, I'm thinking maybe we just need to set our sights on one of those soon to be millionaire Korean deli owners. Then, my dear, we will not have to work.
Wendy - 2004-10-08 12:19:46
You make a good point Plop Phizzle (and where exactly have you been?). My company too has been moving many jobs "offshore." Pretty soon we will have to move to another country to get a job at all! And I pick Scotland. That is where I would like to go. Thanks.
Plop Phizz - 2004-10-08 13:40:45
First, moving my stepsons out to their new apartment. Then, I started those Sims entries which take enough work that I am pretty Dairyland'ed out by the time I finish. That's why I haven't been around and posting -- well, that and the continuous alien abductions. -- P.P.
Wendy - 2004-10-08 13:41:53
Watch out for them there aliens son, I hear they do some frighful shit!
HRT - 2004-10-08 14:59:18
Dude! Since when did illegal Mexicans start abducting people!
Wendy - 2004-10-08 16:34:23
You are so stupid. Thanks for existing.
Roger - 2004-10-10 17:07:34
It's the same in every country. Here they blame the pakis and the slovaks for taking the jobs. Truth be known they only get the 'penny an hour/all the grass they can eat' jobs, but it doesn't stop'em moaning. p.s. Hello Wendy!
Wendy - 2004-10-10 20:05:27
Roger! My main British man! So very lovely to hear from you. I was worried.....

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