What did you say?

Incredipete - 2004-10-06 08:17:31
I screen calls for my department, and I can smell a bill collector from a mile away. I always tell them "If you continue to call them at work, you are endangering their job." That seems to get them to piss off.
Jackie - 2004-10-06 08:23:51
When I was about 18 I got my first credit card and fell behind on the payment--they called me at home and asked me why. I was surprised, I said "why do you think? I don't have any money". They said "why don't you have any money?" I said "duh--I spent it all".
maf - 2004-10-06 09:36:39
i have NO idea what it must be like to be behind on a payment ....YEAH RIGHT ...i was recently out of work for 10 months ... talk about debt hell.
Meg - 2004-10-06 10:13:54
You know what the best ones are? When you answer the phone and you get the voice "Please hold for the next available representative."

Uh-huh. I'm gonna do that... just for you.
Wendy - 2004-10-06 11:18:04
It looks like I need to have Pete screen my calls for me. I think we should stay behind on all bills. We wouldn't want the creditors to be getting all comfortable. Best to keep their expectations low.

Those "please holds" kill me too Meg. Also, I love it when they ask if you could maybe borrow the money from a family member. Okay. Here's their number---you call and ask---then let me know how it went. Thanks.
Meg - 2004-10-06 12:48:28
The best thing I ever heard was my Aunt actually wait until the "next available rep" came on the line, and the next words out of my Aunt's mouth were "Please hold for the next available sucker". She set the phone down on the counter and walked away. I've always wondered how long that person actually waited...
Wendy - 2004-10-06 16:20:50
sassykk - 2004-10-06 16:50:26
Hi everybody!!! I have missed you so! I have been moving and I don't have cable yet, consequently my computer is just staring at me with this blank ass look on it's face. What did we do with computers before the net???? And since I have to be all productive and shit at work, I can't play with my dland buddies (unlike now, cause' everybody left me to run the show all alone)!!! Hope I don't break anything..... Anyway Wendy- I just solved any calls I was getting by MOVING and changing my number. It's been real quite at the new casa, the phone hasn't rung once. And Thanks Meg for the "available sucker" tactic.
Meg - 2004-10-06 17:28:59
Sure, anything I can do to help out! I personally just don't answer my phone, or listen to any messages, unless I know who they're from. Even then, you're lucky if I don't just delete it all. I mean, if it's important you'll call back, right?
Wendy - 2004-10-06 18:22:15
Well I be damned! It's the sassy one! Good to see ya hussy! Moving is a bitch. I hate hate hate it! But once it is done---schweet! Hurry up with the connectivity issue wouldja?

Meg, they will definitely call back if it is important. Hell, they'll even call back if it ain't important!
warcrygirl - 2004-10-07 08:40:28
Occassionally I get calls for Hubby, yet they use his nickname (which is how we address Jr.) So when they ask for Jr I say "Sure!" and put my 5 year old on the phone.

When I get the crap in the mail for credit cards and such I write VOID across the application, stick it in the postage paid envelope and mail it back to them.
HRT - 2004-10-07 10:35:42
My personal favorite is letting my 3-year-old answer the phone for telemarketers, surveyors, bill-collectors, etc.

"Hello may I speak to Mr. or Mrs. HRT?"

"Hello, what's your name?"
"What's Your Name?"
"What's Your Name?"
"What's Your Name?"
"What's Your Name?"
"What's Your Name?"
"What's Your Name?"
"I'm Thomas, you be Diesel ten!"
"I'm Mordecai you're Haman"
"Hi, Mordecai, where's Esther?"
"no, no, I'm Elmo are you Big Bird?"

Somehow by the time I get to the phone there's no one there, strange? *taheeheehee*

Okay, fill this crap in first:

And you might be..?
Your e-mail, should you have one:
A link where I might find you (required):

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