What did you say?

Andy - 2004-09-29 09:17:02
Sorry to hear that things are tight. I'm hoping that everything works out for you. /prayers.
Wendy - 2004-09-29 09:47:36
Thanks Andy. You are very kind.
Incredipete - 2004-09-29 10:36:40
Your friend is right. Your kids will respect that you are willing to make sacrifices to back up your decision.
Wendy - 2004-09-29 10:50:30
I know. He is pretty smart...sometimes. He will be glad that you agree with him.
maf - 2004-09-29 13:57:57
any chance on the ex helping with some of the expenses of the kids? or is he not that kinda guy. i wish i had a big ol' bucketfull of money to send you - cause i would.
HRT - 2004-09-29 14:29:14
I would've commented sooner, but I didn't, cause I'm a selfish bastard like that. Plus I'm working from home, so I have two adorable little distractions...

Ben & Jerry

Seriously kid, I know that bind of which you speak. Fortunately not due to trying to make the single parent thing work, but single income nonetheless.

Oh I found a big old bag of money, but since it was kind of old I just threw it back into the river. Next time let a brother know and I'll just send you some of the cash.
HRT - 2004-09-29 14:31:29
p.s. I did actually win the lottery last week no lie!

I won 2 whole dollars, you're welcome to what's left over after my shopping spree.
Anisettekiss - 2004-09-29 14:33:34
THAT sucks. Just plain sucks. But, when you look around yourself, notice the kind of people that could NEVER do what you're doing...you are the one that survives. You are stronger than they are. THAT makes it suck a little less. You can totally do it and we're all here with you!
Wendy - 2004-09-29 14:36:05
Look at you offering to share your lotry winnings. I am touched. It must be nice to work from home. I wish I was at home. I am sick and I don't feel good and my head is stuffy and my nose is runny and, and, and I wanna go hooome!
Jackie - 2004-09-29 14:38:01
I guess on the bright side--you are not still living with that scum sucking moron. Maybe you could get a job at a shoe store. I'm just sayin...But for real you know I love you and will help you in any way that I can.
Wendy - 2004-09-29 15:02:39
You are too sweet anisettekiss. I appreciate it.

I do know it Jackie and I am grateful for it.
sassykk - 2004-09-29 17:56:57
I ohhhh soooo know where you are coming from on this note. I'm the only single partner in my business (translation, during the 4 months of construction on our nwe showroom, while I was working, sweating, and stressing 60 hours a week, I didn't get a pay check). Not a big deal if ya got a hubby with mad cash to catch you. I am soo sick of eating soup and sandwiches I could scream bloody freeking murder. I got paid today too... and after all the bills get paid (sort of) and I pay my new rent and security deposit (done only so that I can save some money on rent each month) Sassy has Exactly $100 large to get by on till next pay day!!! WHOOOO HOOOO!!! Party time for us all! Now, I would be jumping off a bridge about now if it wasn't for some cool shit I have been doing (it's legal and everything) to make extra money that doesn't require me to go to "another job". Email me and I'll send you the details, I swear it's on the up and up and will give me an additional $400-$500 next week. Plus, it's fun. I swear!! Really! Email me!!
Incredipete - 2004-09-30 08:05:30
Ok, I forgot to mention, you talk about how 1800 in bills can't be paid with 1600 dollars. Apparently you've never talked to the federal government. They do it all the time. Maybe you should run for public office and learn how.

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