What did you say?

Anisettekiss - 2004-09-11 13:54:06
Thank You, Baby!! I needed that. Now you get one too for being much too sweet!!! *hugggggs*
Wendy - 2004-09-11 13:58:07
And on those occasions when you can't find someone to hug for reassurance, go get Chinese food and don't forget the fortune cookie. Check out my fortune from lunch today:

maf - 2004-09-11 17:10:32
i agree totally! and you know what else? if you love someone TELL THEM .. all the time. everytime i get ready to say goodbye on the phone - my friends and i tell each other that we love them. life is short, and you never know. my friends know without question that i love them. and i know they love me. i also recommend that everyone get a dog....they give excellent cuddles too - yay for doggies!
Wendy - 2004-09-11 17:32:26
Good point maf. We should be sure to not ever put ourselves in the position of having to say, "I wish I had one more chance to tell them I loved them." That would suck. Having said that, I Love You girl. I Love all of you! Yay Love!
Incredipete - 2004-09-11 21:36:50
Well, I don't like to be hugged, but I did get a Chinese fortune that said "You have cake waiting for you." and when I got back to work, there was a piece of cake on my desk... eerie...
Jackie - 2004-09-11 21:54:46
Pete, you got problems if you don't liked to be hugged. I hope you never meet me. I hug everyone in a 3 mile vicinity.p.s. Wendy is sitting next to me drunk off her ass...quite funny, too bad I don't have a camera.
Wendy - 2004-09-11 22:10:54
Sam Adams Octoberfest is beast...is my friend. I will hug it. I will love it.
Wendy - 2004-09-11 22:12:26
Who's page is that? Oh yeah white teal and purple. It's mine, I gotta pee.
Wendy - 2004-09-11 22:13:03
How many of these have I had for real? 1?2?5?
Wendy - 2004-09-11 22:13:30
wendy - 2004-09-11 22:31:15
You are not right. I did not burp! Thank you.
Kalisa - 2004-09-11 23:19:41
Awww! What a sweet entry! Now I want a hug, but no one is around :(
sassykk - 2004-09-12 11:04:15
I'm with ya sista. I hug often and freely. How are you feeling today? Hung over? Too bad you can't hug away the feeling a sheep dog slept and shit in your mouth. Not that I have anything against sheep dogs... Here's a big **HUG** for ya...
Wendy - 2004-09-12 11:52:40
Nice. It seems as though my drunk comments are not limited to Pete's page alone. Please ignore and forgive them.

Kalisa: Hope you find someone to hug soon. Meanwhile, hug yourself. It's all good.

sassykk: I am actually feeling fine this day. Thanks for your concern. Lucky for me, the sheep dogs were not able to find me. Hell I coulnd't even find me. I am in need of that hug though, so thanks!

Pete: You won't believe this but that is the exact fortune that my sister got at the lunch yesterday. We laughed about it thinking it was a mis-print or something. She didn't have cake at home though. It was all a lie.

As for you not liking to be hugged, that is something we shall have to remedy. The thing is you have got to "want" to like them. Don't sweat it. We will work on it.
kaki321 - 2004-09-13 10:49:00
Wendy - 2004-09-13 15:50:12
I love the hugs! Thanks kid.

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