What did you say?

Incredipete - 2004-09-09 08:35:29
I do believe I am first. Too bad you can't make it to your reunion. This weekend is my reunion in St. Louis... a bit different because instead of hillbillies, it's blue collar Teamster type people, who drink a lot of beer and play touch football. But still, reunions tend to be pretty enjoyable.
Jackie - 2004-09-09 08:45:46
Let me first say that Jamie is very cute. Let me second say that my family reunions sound like a cross between yours and Pete's with a few "Tony's" thrown in.
maf - 2004-09-09 11:13:41
i enjoy the reunion myownself ... maybe we can work out some kinda d'land reunion...
Incredipete - 2004-09-09 11:45:35
Since none of us have ever met, it wouldn't really be "Re" union... just "union."
Wendy - 2004-09-09 11:56:32
It would be too fun. Somebody set that up, huh? I say somewhere on the East Coast...
maf - 2004-09-09 12:20:32
picky picky picky .... union, reunion, whatever ... I'm supposed to be in pete's neck of the woods around christmas time/ january of 05 ... so yay me
Incredipete - 2004-09-09 14:14:52
KC in December... sounds like the ideal location for me. ;)
Wendy - 2004-09-09 14:39:22
Only if we get free reign of your $152,400.00 house. Excluding your bedroom of course which will be off limits to everyone except me---and you of course.
maf - 2004-09-09 15:04:40
wendy has already started the bom chickie bom bom music .. i think it took us like 10 posts to get to the gutter this time - we're slipping!
Wendy - 2004-09-09 15:15:04
Looks like we are in even more need of that seminar than first suspected.
kaki321 - 2004-09-09 17:36:31
Sounds like my husband's side of the family's recent family reunion off of Georgia on Dufuske Island - - well, minus all the black folk of course.
Wendy - 2004-09-09 18:42:59
I don't mean no harm kaki but the name of that Island looks like a dirty word. We like dirty words around here. You are officially a member of the family. Double yay you.
warcrygirl - 2004-09-09 21:25:38
The only family reunion we have around here is actually a church reunion, on my mother's father's side. I almost never go because I don't really know any of the people there and it's held the first sunday in August and it's all sorts of hot. Don't forget fried cornbread and pecan (pronounced pee-kan) pie!
Wendy - 2004-09-09 21:54:55
The cornbread is everyone's friend. How could I have forgotten? Thanks for the reminder kid.
maf - 2004-09-10 08:13:51
of course it's pronounced pee-kan ... what other way is there?? and i know that islands... it's hotter than the hammered down hinges of hell there!
HRT - 2004-09-10 10:42:41
The CIVILIZED WORLD pronounces it correctly PeKahn pie.

One entry found for pecan. Main Entry: pe�can
Pronunciation: pi-'k�n,
Function: noun
Etymology: American French pacane, of Algonquian origin; akin to Ojibwa paka.n, a hard-shelled nut
1 : a large hickory (Carya illinoensis) that has roughish bark and hard but brittle wood and is widely grown in the warmer parts of the U.S. and in Mexico for its edible nut
2 : the wood of the pecan tree
3 : the smooth oblong thin-shelled nut of the pecan tree

4: A DEElicious pie made from said pecan nut. Best served warm with vanilla ice cream, and a side beverage of hot coffee.
maf - 2004-09-10 11:41:47
ok smartass, but the southern people who grow the trees, and harvest the nuts ( i said "nuts" ) and THIS southern person who makes a pie so gotdamn good that you will smack yourownself....she says peekan. so she has spoken, so shall it be.
Wendy - 2004-09-10 12:10:50
Long live the peekan! That is all.
Jackie - 2004-09-10 12:31:42
The firs sentence in HRT"s comment was informative. After that everything I read looked like this to me:blah blah blah boring blah blah explanation blah blah obijiba algonquin blah blah. Sorry ,I am a loser who doesn't pay attention on Friday's. Not that it isn't nice to have a smart man around.
maf - 2004-09-10 13:26:10
jackie - we have proof he can look things up = we have NO proof that he's smart ! LOL
Jackie - 2004-09-10 13:36:40
hee hee. What you say is true.
Jackie - 2004-09-10 14:32:41
I updated.
HRT - 2004-09-10 16:28:22
BUT there is one thing we all can agree on, outside of pronunciation.

"4: A DEElicious pie made from said pecan nut. Best served warm with vanilla ice cream, and a side beverage of hot coffee. "
maf - 2004-09-10 16:43:47
i will punch you in your haid HRT - you can post your own entry and speak on everyone's blog but mine ...HMPH!
HRT - 2004-09-10 17:09:01
girlie, hit refresh, I commented on your blog an hour ago.

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