What did you say?

Jackie - 2004-09-06 21:15:55
Oh my God, you are on a roll this night sister. I can't tell you how many times I have been behind either dumb fuck,old fuck,or stinky fat fuck.
Incredipete - 2004-09-07 10:26:16
I'd much rather deal with a computer than a person. But then, I'm anti-social.
maf - 2004-09-07 10:36:52
stay away from the wal-mart. it is proof that hell is full and the evil undead are roaming the earthg.
Wendy - 2004-09-07 11:11:49
Now, now Petey. You can't depend on a computer for everything. They are not very good at cuddling if you know what I mean.

I have tried maf. I really have but I guess I am a risk-taker.
HRT - 2004-09-07 11:29:56
Sometime I'll have to tell you my Wal-mart story about the time that I went into Walmart around Midnight on the day before Christmas Eve when Walmart is open 24 hours. For one thing it was crazy packed and for another there was a guy browsing the aisles with a parrot on his shoulder. HIS parrot. And he had the nerve to look at me strange for asking about his parrot. He looked at me like

"Where is YOUR parrot you sick freak. Didn't you know this is Pirate-town, arrrghhh."

Oh, I guess I did just tell you my Walmart story. My bad.
Wendy - 2004-09-07 13:52:03
Be careful what you say HRT. Some of the pirates lurking about may be offended and we wouldn't want that would we? Eff with Blackbeard and the boys if you want to......
HRT - 2004-09-07 20:00:51
Dude had a fucking BIRD on his fucking SHOULDER in the FUCKING walmart, and he was the only FUCKER in a 300 mile radius who didn't find it FUCKING odd. It was fucking Wal-Mart NOT the FUCKING Jolly-Roger.

I'm still chuckeling about that one *snicker*
p.s. did I mention he brought the bird with him, the bird was NOT in a cage, and he was talking affectionately to the bird in hushed tones. And when I say affectionately I don't mean affectionately like, "Aww pretty birdie" I mean affectionately like "Birdie, I'm gonna FLUFF your feathers like a mutherfucker when I get you home you sexy beast."
Wendy - 2004-09-07 20:53:45
I agree that is some weird ass shit!
Plop Phizz - 2004-09-07 21:30:12

spacktard..heh heh.

I actually had to look that one up in the urban dictionary. But rest assured that it is now part of my ever-expanding Wendy vocab. -- P.P.

Wendy - 2004-09-07 22:02:31
Sorry, plop phizzle. I can't take credit for that one. I do believe that is a Pork Tornado original.

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