What did you say?

Plop Phizz - 2004-09-04 00:21:06
I think your dreams are cool. But you have to add in white sandy beaches with waves of light blue ocean. Also, you need the put me on your favorites list, because it worked for HRT, and because I am a fun writer. You were there before, you know you liked it :). -- P.P.
Wendy - 2004-09-04 05:56:43
You are correct Plop Phizzle. I must do that. I apologize from the depths of my soul for the oversight. Besides, I owe it to everyone who has ever been first to comment a spot on the favorites list. I'm right on it slick.

You are also correct about the beach. How could I have left that out? I have never "made out" on a beach. This must be remedied....
maf - 2004-09-04 08:20:09
ok ... so you know what that means! :) add your twin ... and c. your dreams are wonderful and totally attainable - yay you
Jackie - 2004-09-04 15:32:18
The Wendy Mission statement part 2. Looks like somebody knows what they want out of life. And that is an excellent start. To anything. You go kid.
HRT - 2004-09-04 17:21:20
I'd type more but my 2.2 children are currently sitting on my lap interfering with my access to the keyboard. But don't worry the glare off of my white picket fence isn't too distracting nor is the fact that I'm leaning slightly to the right due to my hugely fat wallet in my back pocket.

Dreams are great but finding joy in reality is far better.
Wendy - 2004-09-04 22:02:41
Well said Uncle HRT. You are so wise...
Incredipete - 2004-09-07 10:22:45
I thought I could be the man until you added that "must be a good lay" requirement. Damn.
Wendy - 2004-09-07 11:16:15
Damn, me! I thought the "must be a good lay" rounded out all of your qualities precisely. Besides, I will be the judge of such things. When would you like to audition?

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