What did you say?

Jackie - 2004-08-21 19:42:17
I like meat. I am first.
Wen - 2004-08-22 02:42:30
It's been my experience that most vegetarians are just trying to be different and annoying. Why must they whine so much?
Roger - 2004-08-22 18:02:22
I am an omnivore! This is probably the only time I will ever type that, should I be worried? Also why do some vegetarians give in every so often when the bacon sandwiches come round?? Eh?!? Does not compute.
Wendy - 2004-08-22 20:56:08
Ain't it though!
maf - 2004-08-23 07:59:41
aw ... i'm your local resident funny vegetarian ...but i do remember how good a nice steak and glass of bourbon was after a hard day.....
Incredipete - 2004-08-23 08:08:08
I like meat, too. I was sucked in by your title, and I must admit, I was somewhat disappointed that it wasn't an entry about sex.
Wendy - 2004-08-23 08:28:24
Such a dirty mind dear Pete. But ha ha I made you read it. That's because I am sweet like that.

it's okay maf. You are forgiven.
Incredipete - 2004-08-23 09:42:00
Looks like someone got up the courage to post at work...
HRT - 2004-08-23 09:56:24
I've got no beef against the vegetarians.
Incredipete - 2004-08-23 10:19:02
If you ask me, the whole "vegetarian" concept is a bit fishy...
maf - 2004-08-23 12:11:19
pete - that's a fishatarian...silly boy!
Wendy - 2004-08-23 17:59:38
Excuse this interruption but will IncrediPete please report to my office immediatley? It would appear that you have been caught leaving a comment without an html link. This is a clear infraction of Wendy's Rules as stated in an earlier post. You are in big, very big trouble young man. I suggest you report to my office without delay or suffer the consequences!
Incredipete - 2004-08-24 01:10:42
Well, I always post a link on the first post, but after that, I figure you can figure it out...
Wendy - 2004-08-24 06:37:03
Unfortunately, I always seem to click on the most recent one. So I guess that make me an ass. My bad dawg.
Jackie - 2004-08-24 08:39:39
I post mine every time. Just sayin.
maf - 2004-08-24 09:27:16
um. i have nothing to say to that :)
Wendy - 2004-08-24 09:35:13
That's because Jackie is sweet like that!
Incredipete - 2004-08-24 11:05:12
Jackie is the teacher's pet.
HRT - 2004-08-24 11:06:18
Hey, I learned my lesson. Even when I type my comments without auto-complete I will longhand type out. http://chaostraffic.diaryland.com Oh and btw I heard a rumor that HRT updated. Holla atcha boy.
Wendy - 2004-08-24 13:16:44
Well Pete, you too could be the teacher's pet if you behave....

HRT will get to pick two items from the treasure chest for his attention to detail.
thea - 2004-08-24 14:50:14
I like treasure.
Jackie - 2004-08-24 15:12:34
HRT--BTW I hollered at you but you didn't Holla at me.
maf - 2004-08-24 15:21:55
jackie - we can't holla if you post your link at DAIRYland. sorta ironic for the vegetarian topic no??
Jackie - 2004-08-24 15:51:44
Jackie - 2004-08-24 15:58:47
Sorry, let me clarify. I am not a total ass in that I get your ironic vegetarian joke. I am a total ass in that I don't get the part about the link. Though I wouldn't put it past myself to have somehow effed up totally and posted something on an "I love Dairy" website.
maf - 2004-08-24 16:37:58
on your first post i tried to link to your site - but the addy was something something.dairyland.com instead of diaryland. .... that's all no biggie
Wendy - 2004-08-24 18:52:43
Let the record show that before this comment posts, I have a total of 26 comments while someone else, I won't metion any names (Pete), only has 25. I win!!
Wendy - 2004-08-24 18:56:26
Everyone needs to be sure to visit Jackie at livinlovin. I think you will find her very enlightening. You will be doing yourself a great service. Thanks.
Wendy - 2004-08-24 18:58:33
Cute Pete. Very effing funny linking your name to the IRS website. You will be in detention for the rest of the week.

It was funny though......
Kalisa - 2004-08-25 00:22:23
Hi there :) A lot of vegetarians are snobby and holier-than-thou, but not all are. Some are regular people who are particularly fond of animals, or look at things a different way. You might see a cow as a steak, I might see it as milk. And the fake meat stuff- I think it's kind of a comfort food thing. I remember hot dogs and buffalo wings, and it feels nice to be able to eat something that tastes similar. I have to admit though; I don't understand vegans. How anyone could go without milk, eggs, or honey is beyond my comprehension <:-)
Wendy - 2004-08-25 03:14:51
This is true Kalisa. There are good people wbo are vegetarians just like there are plenty of a-holes that eat meat. All I can say is you must be one hell of a strong person to forgo meat. It would be hard for me. I definitely look at a cow as steak...and hamburger. :)
maf - 2004-08-25 07:55:06
i blame frekin' animal planet. :)
Jackie - 2004-08-25 08:43:05
Wendy is winning the comments game.Pete has 31 and this makes 33. And now back to our story...
Incredipete - 2004-08-25 10:27:56
At the risk of adding to the comment race, I must say that Wendy has 34 comments, but my entry has been posted only 18 hours, while Wendy's has been posted for MANY days.... dammit. UPDATE ALREADY!
Not Pete - 2004-08-25 11:04:18
I updated, check me out too. Thanks.
Wendy - 2004-08-25 12:19:33
Okay who is the smart ass? I sure am glad I wasn't at work when I clicked on that. Hey Pete, here is the IP address from that comment See what you can find out for me huh.
HRT - 2004-08-25 12:42:15
I'll save you some time. I know who did it. And all I can say is that the person who did it, apologizes profusely and is very glad that you were not at work when you clicked there. The information that he was provided with said that you were off of work today.

I cannot divulge anymore about the source other than to say... (snicker)...
Jackie - 2004-08-25 14:25:33
I am so glad I didn't click, but now I can't wait until I get home so I can click. Is it dirty? I hope so.
maf - 2004-08-25 14:48:55
jackie - this is why you rock. save the dirty dirty for home - yay you!
Incredipete - 2004-08-25 15:09:33
Who do you know from Maryland? lol

Way to go HRT.

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