What did you say?

HRT - 2004-08-14 22:24:12
Who's Kenny Chesney? Is he a friend of your Uncle Cracker? And really isn't it kind of mean to make fun of your Uncle just cause he's a little brittle...and salty?
Wendy - 2004-08-14 23:07:05
What do you mean who is Kenny Chesney? He is only the sexiest thing in a cowboy hat. I could eat him with a spoon if you know what I mean. Something about a man in a cowboy hat...
Jackie - 2004-08-14 23:08:58
My uncle is actually a cheez-it.
Wendy - 2004-08-14 23:18:03
Should anyone need a visual, here it is. I want this man.......bad! I think I will let him be my new boyfriend.
Jackie - 2004-08-14 23:55:55
Nice picture. I updated again and... I finally coughed up $18.99.
Incredipete - 2004-08-15 00:54:23
Damn, he's sexy. If I was gay, I'd jump on him!
Roger - 2004-08-15 01:34:47
Good to know you'll still get to see your low-ridi' hat man Kenny. Beware of men with hats covering their eyes like that though as they often have something to hide. He may sell cosmetics in his spare time, you never know. Anyway, enjoy the show, lust after the man in the hat, and on Monday, best of luck with the new job.
Wen - 2004-08-15 03:28:50
Well, the hat thing... you know, he could be bald.
Wendy - 2004-08-15 03:58:48
I wouldn't blame ya Pete. He is a hard one to resist.

Don't you worry Roger, I will lust like nobody's business. I promise not to let you down. Thanks for the good luck wish too. You are very nice. I like nice people.

Oh well Wen, bald is beautiful.
HRT - 2004-08-15 12:17:51
"Incredipete - 2004-08-15 00:54:23 Damn, he's sexy. If I was gay, I'd jump on him!"

Wen - 2004-08-15 12:26:45
Yes, bald is beautiful. Isn't that right Incredipete? It sounds like it should be a fun show.
Incredipete - 2004-08-16 07:59:35
Yup, bald is beautiful... ;)

HRT, as hot as Kenny Chesney is, I still can't seem to get too excited about waking up next to a hairy man. But I suspect that if I were indeed gay, the women would be flocking to me in strangely large numbers... Ironic.
HRT - 2004-08-16 09:12:11
For whatever effed up reason many women love the entirely unattainable. Trust me on this. I married one.
maf - 2004-08-16 09:14:50
yum on the kenny - can't go wrong with that one - he played here and it was a HUGE show! and t - i'm confused ... what did you marry? the unattainable....
Jackie - 2004-08-16 10:06:10
So Wendy, how was it? I heard you didn't get home until 3:30....
Wendy - 2004-08-16 19:37:16
You heard right. But I must say it was so worth it! Kenny was too sexy. I could hardly stand it. I got soaked in the rain and froze my ass off all the way home. I guess next time I should be bringing me a good man to snuggle in the Excursion Limo. That was one pimped out ride. The only thing I don't like about limos is the tinted windows. When I am in one, I want all the m effers on the street to be able to see me in it!!!

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