What did you say?

HRT - 2004-08-06 21:05:09
There were some "real" people cartoons that rocked Jonny Quest and Speed Racer come to mind. Although I have to admit some of those toons at least in my opinion, didn't hold up the test of time. I look back at old Speed Racer and Jonny Quest and I'm like WTF was I thinking watching this crap?!? So much of it is unwatchable now.

The other thing about the smurfs is you just gotta love how their size would change pretty much at will. Proving once and for all that the creators of the Smurfs were smoking those mushrooms they were drawing. A full-grown smurf was supposed to be 3 apples high (don't ask me why or how I remember that, I just do) and yet when it was convenient, they could fit in Gargamel's pocket or climb through a mouse hole. I don't know about you, but if I've got a mouse hole 3 apples high, my ass is moving.
maf - 2004-08-06 22:47:32
wendy girrrl....man i do loves me some foghorn leghorn, he's my very favorite - makes me laugh every frekin time ... now there is a cable channel called boomerrang that's owned by turner -that does show the old rockin cartoons .... and if you stumble home late enough friday night or get up early enough saturday morning - they show the good stuff at like 5:30 - 6 am .. and trust me - when buzzed - foghorn is funnier...and he's frekin funny to begin with
Wendy - 2004-08-07 00:10:25
HRT--I will give you Johnny Quest but you must admit he would not have been worth doo doo if it weren't for Bandit. I know you remember his little ass running around and yipping at the bad guys' feet.

You remember the exact (supposed) height of a Smurf because this was a "good" cartoon. This is my point.

Maf--It will be worth the cable upgrade to be able to see Foghorn Leghorn again. That was one high falutin struttin mo fo right there. The manliest of roosters I'd say.
HRT - 2004-08-07 10:31:29
Remember Foghorn's epic battles against the chicken hawk? What about snaggle puss? Exit stage left even...
maf - 2004-08-07 10:40:49
hello. my name is allison and i'm a dork. i woke up early enough today to watch the good cartoons... made a bowl of cereal, got my dog, crawled back in bed and we watched them. sad part is it was one of the best morning's i've had in a while!
HRT - 2004-08-07 14:20:24
My two little darlings are just too young to really dig the cool cartoons. (although Scooby Doo is quickly moving up the popularity charts) But I'm hoping I only have another 6-18 months of crap like the Wiggles and Dragontales before they'll be all good toons all the time...

Roger - 2004-08-07 17:45:00
Are you missing out, as Nick Juniour over here has started showing shows from when I was a kid. All typical brit stuff, like Mr Benn, King Rollo and the Clangers. Maybe not cartoons, but great kids stuff still. Tracey loves Scooby Doo too, as do my friends little ones Rosie and Daisy. He's not forgotten.
Wendy - 2004-08-07 21:21:41
HRT you absolutely, positively without a doubt, crack me up. The Snaggle Puss reference was right on time. Do you guys remember Captain Caaaaavemaaaaan!?
Wendy - 2004-08-07 21:37:52
Oh, one more question. Are the wiggles like, well you know, umm gay?
hairburner - 2004-08-07 22:42:32
I've watched the new cartoons with my friend's kid, and I just think to myself...what the hell is this? None of it is even remotely funny. Also note the fact that none of my friends (me included) can say the preamble of the constitution without singing it...

The only cartoon I watch these days besides Family Guy is Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Master Shake you had me at :"Twist them dirty bags!"
Incredipete - 2004-08-08 00:01:22
My sister told me when I was about 4 years old that anything that said "United Artists" at the beginning was bad and I wasn't allowed to watch it. Of course, that included practically every cartoon, so I would leave the room like a good little kid, and she would stay there and watch, laughing that she had fooled me.
Wendy - 2004-08-08 08:45:39
That, Pete, explains everything. Now we know the root of all things deemed Incredi.

P.S. It's about time you brought your happy ass over here for a visit. And what the hell happend with you being first? SLACKER!
Incredipete - 2004-08-08 10:23:32
I actually read the entry about 5 minutes after you posted, and then I got distracted and forgot to post. It won't happen again...
Wendy - 2004-08-08 14:49:23
Well that better had been one good distraction young man! You are excused this time. Try not to let it happen again, eh? Focus! Focus!
HRT - 2004-08-08 15:51:44
1) I think the wiggles are gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that

2) Captain CAAAYYYVVEEman was part of those Hanna Barbera toons that rocked this house, that house and 3 more houses further down the block.

d)Anybody remember the laff-a-lympics? The really rottens etc.
and 6) what about the real people version "Battle of the Network Stars" back before there were "friends" getting paid 89 gazillion dollars an episode and actors actually had to find part time gigs to do during the summer off season.

oh and also did anybody ever figure out how to pretend to be the six million dollar man and jump in slow motion?
Wendy - 2004-08-08 16:28:49
Never ran in slow motion. But I could run fast like the six million dollar man when my big brother used to make me run while he shot at me with his BB gun. He wanted to see if he could hit a moving target. He could.......
Plop Phizz - 2004-08-08 21:37:33
The slow-motion movement wasn't nearly as important as making the "DO do DO do DOOO!!" sound when you did it. -- P.P.
Jackie - 2004-08-09 14:38:46
My favorite cartoon was the Bugs Bunny episode of "kill the wabbit". I love all of the Looney Tunes though because they just drip with sarcasm. Oh, and I am a chick so I used to pretend to be Wonder Woman. (especially once I got my underoos.)
BigpimpinMBA - 2004-08-11 07:47:38
Two words... Sponge Bob.

Sponge Bob is probably the closest you can get to our old-school, no-lessons insane cartoons that you can get today. I'm 32 and can talk old-school cartoons with the best of them, but I'm telling you right now.... Sponge Bob is friggin hilarious and has all of the slapstick that the old Bugs cartoons had.

As for the Wiggles, I have my suspiscions, but I really don't think they are gay. Annoying? Hell Yeah. But gay? Nah. I really dislike that bunch of jerks, but my son likes them and when he sings the Wiggles songs, it is so cute that I can't bash them too bad.

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