What did you say?

Roger - 2004-08-03 01:37:38
Woohoo! I'm first! I hear what you're saying with the tardiness thing. Some people haven't got a clue. We deal with them every day, then it's our fault they missed their boat. Sad thing is, we now have a plague of early arrivers. One family turned up eight hours early saying they had a good run down. Pity they had only driven a hundred miles. Why are people (not us of course) so dumb?
Wendy - 2004-08-03 06:42:32
Mad props to the Brit on being first. I think we need dumb people in the world. After all, if it weren't for them we would not realize how smart we are.
Incredipete - 2004-08-03 07:48:45
I can't really talk because I'm always late for everything...
HRT - 2004-08-03 09:55:33
a) why does that not surprise me that petey is habitually late

b) why does it not surprise me that Wendy gets her panties in a bunch over people who are late

and c) I've discovered, that I know the people and places that I can be late for and those who I cannot. But I will tell you this, trying to be on time almost ANYwhere with two toddlers in tow is like trying to herd cats with a feather duster and a strand of silly-string.

Also, as for the party thing, you people need to get a grip, cause there are parties and there are PARTIES. Some you're supposed to show up right on time. Others if you show up "right on time" your ass is sitting there with the other socially inept people talking about their cats or how much hotter this summer was than last summer. You do that a few times and after that you really want to make sure that some of the other cool people get there first. Because as we know, cool people are always "fashionably late" cause we're out doing fabulous things...

like prying a 3 year old off your leg at the babysitters then making a mad dash for the door after tripping your 2 year old.
maf - 2004-08-03 12:31:17
i get irritated at friends that are always late - but at work - hehehe - i can refuse to see them- i schedule people every 30 minutes and if you're more that 10 minutes late -you mess up the rest of the day ... so good day to you .... i said good day!
Wendy - 2004-08-03 15:48:32
As it should be maf. Send them packing. Next time, they will be more prompt.

Hrt--People being late is not the only thing that gets my panties in a bunch. Want to know another? People using the fact thay they have little kids for an excuse! Stop whining. You know you have them when you accept an engagement and you should plan accordingly. Perhaps dressing them them the night before and letting them sleep in the comfort of their carseats will assist in a smooth takeoff. Just a suggestion.

Yeah Pete, you are late. Late on an update. What is your excuse?
maf - 2004-08-03 16:20:40
wendy, you're now officially my favorite! yay you!
Wendy - 2004-08-03 16:25:46
Glad to know it kid. You have impeccable taste.
Wendy - 2004-08-03 16:30:27
Hey maf, you must do my surveys as well (since I am your favorite and all).
HRT - 2004-08-03 17:39:43

I'm getting my laughs in now.

Because one of two things is going to happen. Either someday you will have little children and you will be amazed at how much longer things take to happen. You will learn that there are very, very small windows of opportunity that one has to make anything happen. Wait too long and you're late. Move too early and you have children in melt down.

Or you will die alone surrounded by 47 cats. Either way my ample ass will be on the floor behind me as I laugh at you.

As I'm doing now.

P.S. I use tardiness as a means of passive aggression against people I don't like, and then I blame it on the kids. And then if someone has the audacity to make a comment about that, I have the freedom and license to curse at them, knowing no jury of my peers (other parents) would ever convict me.

Having kids does have it's advantages.
HRT - 2004-08-03 17:47:32
By the way I am always right.

Even when I'm not.

And if someone points out an area where I may appear to be wrong, I will violently lash out verbally.

I'm so dam predicatable there, it's scary.
Wendy - 2004-08-03 18:23:33
I will say again--you know you have the kids and should therefore plan accordingly. If you are unable to handle a couple of small people, then you should stay your crying ass at home. I have had ample experience with kids, young and old, but I would never use them to excuse my inadequacies. Using kids as a shield to hide behind. Well, I never!
HRT - 2004-08-03 19:03:13
...people without children are soooo funny.

If I were a witch doctor, I'd curse you to have nine children with the table manners of hampsters on speed.

It's just out of love baby. Lighten up. I have a solution to the late thing. Don't spend time with people.

See problem solved.

p.s. Again I restate. I am almost always on time to things/people I deem important. If I'm late then you know where you stand in my book.

Wendy - 2004-08-03 20:04:38
Well then. The fact that you were precisley on time with your response has been duly noted and I therefore know where I stand. I am important. Ahhhh, what a fuzzy feeling that is.

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