What did you say?

Incredipete - 2004-07-31 23:00:07
I know you won't be at all surprised by this, but my favorite candy as a child was "Nerds"... I know, I know. Shut up.
HRT - 2004-07-31 23:01:22
I used to love me some pop-rocks. And Cokes in the big tall 16oz bottles are off the hook.

Just not together unless you wanna die like mikey... ;)
Wendy - 2004-07-31 23:48:38
I can't help it, I have to say it.......you are what you eat.

I know, right? Poor MIkery's stomach exploded and shit didn't it? Crucial.

Another cool thing was the wax bottles filled with juice. I would chew on that wax until my jaws hurt.
Wendy - 2004-08-01 00:00:00
This is off the subject, but well worth noting. In four of my last five entries, the first person to sign my comments page was none other than the Incrediquick, Incredipete. FIne job young man, fine job indeed.
Incredipete - 2004-08-01 00:30:54
I'll be damned if my weird schedule isn't good for something. Who knew!?
maf - 2004-08-01 11:32:37
did y'all have chick-a-sticks?! here we can still get the long stick ones and not the little bite size pieces...ah good times...and of course you know i still love the candy necklace - candy and jewelry - can you ASK for more ... yes, you can. the candy ring and lipstick. God bless America!
Wendy - 2004-08-01 11:51:59
maf...you visited. Welcome, my dear, welcome.

Chick-a-sticks were the bomb. And remember when you would eat the candy off the necklace while you were wearing it and you would have all that white sticky crap around your mouth and face? Ahhhh, that was good.
maf - 2004-08-01 19:03:34
when you could? hell i'm doing it right now....well i'm actually not, but i could right?
Wendy - 2004-08-01 20:27:50
HRT - 2004-08-02 09:44:28
...what about that stuff that you would eat that was like pure sugar. I don't even remeber what it was called. But you would get this wand like thing, which, of course, was made out of sugar, then you would dip it into these colorful powdery flavors, of 98% sugar. It's a wonder we survived with any teeth.
Wendy - 2004-08-02 10:48:13
It was called Fun Dip and it was my friend.
maf - 2004-08-02 11:42:56
fun dip. you big dork. and you people are cracking me up with your past tense stuff....we can still get that here in movie theaters and some old timey drug stores .... yum. now i need to go get my goddaughter as an excuse to buy tons of that crap!
HRT - 2004-08-02 16:20:13
Hey, I'll admit it. I was mildly sugar deprived as a child. Heck I didn't even know that those cereals with all the cartoon characters on them were yummy til college. Up til then I just assumed all cereals tasted like Wheaties©, Cheerios© or Total©

At least I've got ALL of my teeth, never had a cavity never wore braces and STILL I've got a devestatingly sexy smile.

It makes up for my lack of personality.

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