What did you say?

Jackie - 2004-07-12 20:37:07
Amen. Amen. I love men. I don't think it is right that men seem to be the only group of people that it is ok to crack on. You don't ever get a poem that is all about how stupid Indonesian people are. p.s. first and read it.
Jackie - 2004-07-12 20:44:43
P.s. Pete you better read my last comment on the page before this. I was thinking hard. And I don't want it to go to waste.
Brian - 2004-07-12 21:26:56
A-effing-men. Men (as a generic, raceless demographic) can't do shit right. According to television commercials we: 1. forget all special occasions 2. Don't know how to do laundry 3. Can't cook anything that requires cooking devices more complicated than a microwave 4. Can't get it up (Cialis, levitra, viagra). Now, if we put on a commercial that demonstrated the inability of a woman to: 1. self-lubricate or 2. reach orgasm, television would cease to exist. The resultant uproar would be ridiculous. Furthermore, for the sake of argument, let's create a fictional race called Fuckwadians. If we showed said Fuckwadians as incapable of, say, buying groceries without photographic assistance, the NAAF (National Association for the Advancement of Fuckwadians) would boycott the camera that took the photos, the grocery store depicted in the ad, and the network that ran the commercial. My point: The negative stereotype associated with males (as a generic, raceless demographic) is the only acceptable, marketable stereotype in this country. I, for one, await the day with baited breath, when we see an Alzheimer-ridden geriatric Philippino transsexual being bitch-slapped by an impatient child for their failure to remember that the toilet is located in the bathroom, not the closet...
Incredipete - 2004-07-12 23:54:49
I certainly don't think it's right that men... make that "White American Men" are the only category it's politically correct to bash.

Nice comment, Jackie. All that hard thinking is starting to pay off.
Wendy - 2004-07-13 08:20:52
HRT, I sure do hope Peter Trump can come up with the duckets to get you some comments going. But in the interim, I shall address your entries here. It looks like Pete is doing the same. We shall share. We are nice.

On to the comment. You killed me mentioning the old hand crank copier! I so remember them. I think they were called mimeograph machines. And I do remember the smell. It was good. Thanks for the personal shout-out too. I fell so damn special.
Wendy - 2004-07-13 08:29:18
And thanks to the Jackster for taking the time to read before commenting. She is not a cheater like HRT!
Alzheimer-ridden geriatric Philippino transsexual - 2004-07-13 09:08:54
To Brian: You obviously don�t know what it feels like to be abused by children. That five year can really pack a wallop. And P.S. it LOOKED like a bathroom. You�ll be hearing from my lawyers.
Alzheimer-ridden geriatric Philippino transsexual - 2004-07-13 09:11:41
Five year OLD can really pack a wallop.
Wendy - 2004-07-13 09:17:49
Hey Brian, I got some people here who want, well actually need, to sign up with the eFFWadians. Where do they sign up? And they want you to know that they only use the picturesin the grocery store to help them with different flavors.
thea - 2004-07-13 10:41:54
Nice one today Wendy. Personally, I never blamed my ex-husband for getting me pregnant, the birth, the diapers, the up-every-two-hours-to-nurse, or his ability to ditch us at home for the bar and drug of choice. I do believe there are good, intellegent men hiding in a cave far, far away that are swooning over their crystal ball, slowing drawing me nearer...
Incredipete - 2004-07-13 10:56:22
I'm not hiding in a cave... I'm in Kansas! (Same thing, I suppose)
HRT - 2004-07-13 13:28:11
Well I'm actually feeling pretty good about myself right about now. ok, I currently have lousy credit cause I decided to start a new career with no money, so now I have less than no money, but I so hope that I never have to work doing anything other than what I do now. But other than that, I'm pretty much a GREAT catch! and the % that think I'm an ass has dropped to a paultry 13%... now if I could just triple that % I could run for office...
Roger - 2004-07-13 18:30:28
Chivalry is NOT dead, but it certainly is on life support! I hold doors and allow ladies to go first because it's polite, and that's how I was brought up. If they piss and moan about it, I just say I'm being polite. If a lady takes it to be chivalrous, then all the better. Good call Wendy, as the ones complaining are killing the act for the ones that appreciate it.
Wendy - 2004-07-13 20:15:16
I really don't think good men are that hard to find. I think for some women they are just hard to keep. By the time some women finally run across a keeper, they don't know how to handle it. It is unbelievable to them that a man might want to buy them dinner without expecting some ooh la la in return. Or that he might actually be listening and caring about what she is saying. I think that any woman who spends her whole life busting her ass to please and support a man (giving him 4 or 5 kids along the way)should blame her mother. After all, we all get our life skills from our same sex parent. (Yeah, I stole that line from Dr. Phil--so what!) Translation: If Mommy is a scuzzbucket, then in all probablitly, her baby girl will be too. This is the law of nature. It is sad really........

Having said that---You go Roger with your bad self. Keep hope alive brother!
Wendy - 2004-07-14 09:11:13
Christ almighty! I just got another one! It was supposed to be a comparison of character traits for women and men. The women's section was like five long ass paragraphs and the men's section read, and I do quote, "Men are good at lifting heavy shit and killing bugs." What about making money, giving back rubs, effing, etc.? Whoever wrote it is a dumbass.

To all the men of the world let me say, you rock!
HRT - 2004-07-14 09:13:36
When my rightful throne is finally restored and all is well in the world the first rule I'm going to impose is no hitting women*.

*Unless they are ungrateful "liberated" bitches who wouldn't recognize a sincere compliment or gesture if they sat on it and spun, in which case you can only hit them once...

...with your car.

(p.s. and because I'm fair the same goes for dudes too, but since men often enjoy striking one another there will have to be all kinds of additional rules and regulations stipulating precisely the frequency and intensity upon which male members of society may be struck)
thea - 2004-07-14 10:10:37
Man, next to Wendy's 'lifting heavy shit & killing bugs', HRT you get the snazzy cupie doll for making me snort my coffee for the first time today.
Wendy - 2004-07-14 15:18:35
Well thea, it must be said. We are here to please.
HRT - 2004-07-14 15:49:04
I'm sorry did you say something about lifting-up your skirt? Hey not to be a shameless promotion whore, but since I don't got a comments page, tell me what you think of that post that kid .wrote.
Jackie - 2004-07-14 15:57:34
HRT: "I can taste the love of those who've loved me. I can smell the joy of friendship." lovely line. Wendy:I agree with you on the mom is a scuzzbucket thing, but I also think that you get treated like shit if you let people treat you like shit.
Incredipete - 2004-07-14 16:41:12
Wow HRT, two posts in one day. I'm very impressed. If you're working me for a Supergold Account, you're doing a good job! Nice entry... again!
Jackie - 2004-07-14 20:10:52
Lets have another quote: "Sewer rat may taste like pumpkin pie but I'll never know cuz I wouldn't eat the filthy motherfucker."
Wendy - 2004-07-14 20:11:27
What if HRT was stoned? Would he write like Wordsworth? Answer: Looks like it.

What if Pork Tornado left Diaryland? Would we be able to go on? Answer: Yeah, we're smart too,... aren't we?

What if Pete coughed up the dough for HRT to have a comments page? Would anybody come here anymore? Answer: I doubt it.
Jackie - 2004-07-14 20:48:08
My site is born.
Wendy - 2004-07-14 21:02:11
Hot damn! Another good diary to read. Thanks, Jackie. Hey you can share my comments page too. Hell, it will help boost my numbers.
Incredipete - 2004-07-15 01:06:30
Ok, Jackie... all sites start with humble beginnings, but you should at least fill out a profile. But I am looking forward to the next installment. I hope you aren't gonna be one of those "to be continued" writers. God, I hate that. You can feel free to use my comments page, too. I have a feeling HRT will be getting his account upgrade, so Wendy may need your traffic to stay even with where she's at right now.

Wendy... Hugs & Sloppy Kisses with wandering hands... xoxo
Wendy - 2004-07-15 07:22:51
OOOHH! Yuk phooey! I haven't even had my coffee yet!

By the way, (and I have been waiting for an opening to bring this up), maybe the image above wouldn't be so bad if the only thing I saw (and I am not trying to be mean) was not that godforsaken picture of your head on Vin Diesel. I think you mentioned once that a friend told you to do that. It has to be said...some friend. How about a nice little boy next door pic so we can see the real you, huh?
Publius - 2004-09-24 16:52:40
Still one could walk through fire the woman he loves and she not notice. Sorry I am just down...

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