What did you say?

Jackie - 2004-07-10 23:39:51
aint it though.
Incredipete - 2004-07-11 01:00:15
Damn. Once again you have stolen a great topic that I would have thought of given enough time. (100 years) You suck. (in a good way.)

I think personally that smokers should be given a rebreathing apparatus like Navy divers use that recycles the smoke over and over instead of releasing it into the atmosphere in a sly attempt to commit genocide. The added benefit, it would probably cause them to get cancer much quicker than they would by just smoking each cigarette once.
Incredipete - 2004-07-11 01:29:25
BTW, don't you think it's about time you created a survey, Wendy? You need to get on the ball, and while you're at it, take my survey.
Wendy - 2004-07-11 06:48:51
Jesus Christ Pete! Give a sister a minute. You know I am new at this stuff. Hell, I can't even manage to get my stupid effing (oh the anger, the anger) last 5 entries to show up right. It is lucky for me, and you for that matter, that I am able to post one dam word! Seriously, I need a personal web designer. All that stuff gets on my G D nerves. I shall work on it though.......TRUST ME!!!

And scientifically speaking, you would be correct about the human chimneys recycling their smoke. It has been determined, you know, that second-hand smoke is way more deadly.
Wendy - 2004-07-11 07:37:45
HRT asked me to go take this I.Q. test (www.IQTest.com)a while back and tell him my score. I just got to it today. Sorry HRT, I have been a liitle busy, but I didn't forget you. So here it is along with the score's description. What was yours and don't you dare lie to me, because I will know!

To: [email protected] From: "IQTest.com" Subject: Your IQ Test Results

Thank you for recently taking the IQ Test, your score was: 145

Highly gifted and appearing to be a Genius to most others: 136 - 145 Genius: 146 - 165

Dam! Off by one eency weency little old point! Hey, if anybody else takes it. Share with the rest of us. (My impromtu survey stolen from HRT to make Increcipete happy)
Jackie - 2004-07-11 12:43:13
I went to the IQ test page but these people kill me, have you seen the disclaimer? "If you feel you may have an educational problem, a learning disability, or a psychological problem, then you should consult with a professional psychologist or psychiatrist before you take this test. It is quite possible to have superior intelligence and yet still have difficulties that may require professional help. Scoring well on any IQ test is no guarantee of success in life. Professional psychological help can sometimes make all the difference between partially or fully realizing your potential." How true how true.
Wendy - 2004-07-11 16:09:03
And in fine print at the bottom of the page......this test may cause heart palpatations, upset stomach, severe headache, shortness of breath, eye strain, or death.
HRT - 2004-07-12 09:24:47
Now fortunately for you all my superior intellect is only surpassed by my extrodinary humility. Therefore I choose to abstain from expressing the full expression of all things HRT-ness. So suffice it to say this exam merely illuminates that which we all already surmised:

Thank you for recently taking the IQ Test, your score was: 160

Average: 85 - 115

Above average: 116 - 125

Gifted Borderline Genius: 126 - 135

Highly gifted and appearing to be a Genius to most others: 136 - 145

Genius: 146 - 165

Now if there aren't any other questions (and if there is any oxygen left in the room that my overinflated ego hasn't already sucked up) I will be retiring to the study to continue in my never ending search for:

a) The Grand Unification theory

b) The solution to world hunger

c) Quantum physics

d) Why ARE the Olsen twins so popular?

...a genius' work is never done...
Jackie - 2004-07-12 10:55:38
Well, HRT is back with a vengeance. I can answer your most important question. The Olsen twins are so popular because the world is really run by thirteen year old girls.
Wendy - 2004-07-12 11:29:14
Did someone help you HRT? Are you lying? Becasue if you are, and I will be able to see it in your beady little eyes, there will be H-E-double L to pay. Although I am only thought to be a Genius by others, I sahll attempt to answer your questions.

A. It is actually called the Grand Fornification Theory and I am afraid of it.

B. The solution to world hunger is in Pete the Magic Dragon's backyard (i.e. the bunny and the now stale bread)

C. There is no such thing.

D. I did not know they were. News to me. Who the hell are they?
HRT - 2004-07-12 11:48:04
I'd be scared except that if the world really was run by 13 year old girls what's the worse that could happen? The mall would be closer, N*SYNC, never would've broken up, and breaking a pinky-swear would be a capital offense... at least the soda's would be free...
HRT - 2004-07-12 11:53:52
I may lie about being hung like a race horse (more like an old stallion put out to stud). But on issues of intelligencia. I just call 'em as I see 'em. No one was more surprised to see my results than me... well me and my 8 friends who now have to call me genius with 12% less sarcasm...
Jackie - 2004-07-12 12:25:51
I love it! Yes breaking a pinky swear would b a capital offense and Orlando Bloom would be president.
Wendy - 2004-07-12 12:26:29
Crap! Another genius just informed me that it should be Fornication, not Fornification. You should have caught that HRT.
HRT - 2004-07-12 12:39:21
See, that's the problem with being genius... all of a sudden expectations are raised... in fact 30 seconds after completing that on-line test 15 credit card companies immediately wanted payment in full... like geniuses can't have crappy credit... sheesh...
HRT - 2004-07-12 13:26:45
...but then I guess you don't have that problem Wendy, because you only APPEAR to be a genius to most(but not all). oh to be one of the commoners once again... this cross of massive intelligencia I have to bear is nearly too great... fortunately I have the genius to devise a powerful block and tackle pulley assembly which will alleviate 98.738% of the weight of this cross. (I hope that wasn't too blasphemous)
thea - 2004-07-12 14:41:19
At the risk of throwing this in the air whilst the topic is so very edgy right now, ... where the fuck are you eating that one can smoke on a special side of the table, and the latter gets the cancer-free zone? Or was it all just a mind venture I was unaware of?
thea - 2004-07-12 14:43:30
*beware the parenthesis...*
HRT - 2004-07-12 14:50:57
Pretty much all restaurants in MY area are smoke-free. There are a few minor exceptions but they only include bars where a certain % of the total sales comes from liquor sales, or places where the smoking area is completely shut off from the rest of the restaurant, separate ventilation system and everything. When they get filled up, it looks like a giant people fishbowl with smoke playing the part of water, smokers playing the role of fish, and servers playing the part of plastic divers. Most of which wish they COULD wear scuba masks to enter that area.
Wendy - 2004-07-12 15:05:00
Thea, honey, with your high ass. Work with me now. I was only being facetious. In other words, I made it up to make the point that there really is not a distinction between smoking and non.

Note to all: When on drugs please limit yourself to one diary per internet session.
Jackie - 2004-07-12 15:05:14
Speaking of which- I opened my big mouth in an elevator today when some woman was complaining the even though she had recently quit smoking she thought about it all the time. I said "well, at least your not thinking about cancer!" If looks could kill....
Wendy - 2004-07-12 15:05:57
Hey Thea! Woohoo, Thea. Over here! How many fingers am I holding up?
thea - 2004-07-12 15:10:14
I got chur finger.... I was jus playin' ... also. Boy, this has been a very long, strenuous, numbing day.
HRT - 2004-07-12 15:11:14
...awww Wendy you're back... we've missed you so.
Incredipete - 2004-07-12 15:19:38
I feel left out. I didn't realize the conversation had moved over to Wendy's site. When I go into a restaurant, I always ask for "Cancer-free" seating.
HRT - 2004-07-12 15:25:29
Life moves pretty quick. If you don't take time out to watch it. You might miss it.
Wendy - 2004-07-12 16:38:11
Hey Pete! Didn't incredimommy teach you to share?

Hey thea! Wake your ass up! No more pills dammit!
HRT - 2004-07-12 17:22:26
Pills?!? *snort* I think thea went straight for the hard stuff hours ago... Just for the record percoset does NOT come in a smokeable format.
Incredipete - 2004-07-12 17:32:25
I don't mind sharing so long as someone leaves a post-it on the door to let me know where they all went. :( It's like when I was 7 and I got home from school and my family had moved out and didn't leave a note. I cried.
HRT - 2004-07-12 18:09:19
You've been chasing us all this time only to fail now? I think that's about the worst thing I've ever heard.

How marvelous.*

*Random quote #27

Next time we'll save a seat for you with the cool kids.
Incredipete - 2004-07-12 18:10:21
That ain't a random quote... that's from Prince Humperdinck in the Princess Bride. Hey, I know my movies, dang it.
HRT - 2004-07-12 18:11:46
12 points for the bald-headed wonder in the 3rd row. 2 bonus points for speed and accuracy.
Jackie - 2004-07-12 19:15:44
It may be speed but it sure AIN'T accuracy. That quote was from the six fingered man to Inigo Montoya. (Mandy Patinkin) "Hello my name is Inigo Montoya, you kill my father, prepare to die."
Incredipete - 2004-07-12 20:06:48
Alas, Jackie is right. I hate it when that happens. You've bested my giant, so you must be very strong... I challenge you to a battle of wits. To the death.
Jackie - 2004-07-12 20:21:36
I have developed an immunity to Iocaine powder.
Wendy - 2004-07-12 20:23:21
I must visit the blockbuster.

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