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"The Pledge"

Today I will do my best to be the best. I will listen. I will be honest. I will respect the rights of others. I can learn. I will learn. What I do today will make a difference.

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My Last 5 Diary Entries

It will be my first time...... - 2005-03-28

"Fun Times on McClellan Street" - 2005-02-23

"Dress Rehearsal" - 2005-02-05

DON'T DO IT!! - 2005-02-02

Here We Go! - 2004-12-31

Sweet Peeps

(In No Particular Order)

Saamba-Two "Cool Cats"
Jackie's Diary - Livinlovin: You gotta read the "Frontman" series.
HRT's Diary - Chaostraffic: My favorite Uncle.
Plop Phizz: Thanks for always stopping by.
MAF: Straight up, the coolest!
Incredipete: He's Back on the Air--YAY!

Designed by: Incredipete

2004-12-28 - 11:01 a.m.

Where Do I Start?

So much has been going on, I don't even know where to begin. First, there was Christmas. Mine was quite nice this year thanks for asking. I can only hope that everyone else's was too.
Actually, there was one scary incident on Christmas day. My poor Mama was taking ye olde turkey out of the oven and the damned thing spilled creating a fireball that burned her eyebrows off along with a quarter inch of her hairline. My Dad took her to the ER but thank God it was pretty much just the hair. So that was a show stopper but upon her return it was business as usual and a good time was had by all.
Work is still too busy to contend with. I recently found myself going in at 6:30 a.m. and leaving around 5:00 p.m. Forgive me for saying so, but that my friends sucks big fat rhino balls. It was not fun, it was not my friend, and being a "salaried" employee is way the fuck overrated. Just sayin'...
But alas my children, it has come to pass that I am officially on vay fucking cation! That's right, yours truly shall not return to banking hell until the year of our Lord 2005. Triple dipple yay to me.
In case anyone is wondering how things are going with the neighbor; I will say only this, from hence forth me thinks we shall refer to him as the "boyfriend." Hee. Hee.
I'm movin' on...........

9 Whatcha think?

Steppin' Back - Movin' On

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