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"The Pledge"

Today I will do my best to be the best. I will listen. I will be honest. I will respect the rights of others. I can learn. I will learn. What I do today will make a difference.

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My Last 5 Diary Entries

It will be my first time...... - 2005-03-28

"Fun Times on McClellan Street" - 2005-02-23

"Dress Rehearsal" - 2005-02-05

DON'T DO IT!! - 2005-02-02

Here We Go! - 2004-12-31

Sweet Peeps

(In No Particular Order)

Saamba-Two "Cool Cats"
Jackie's Diary - Livinlovin: You gotta read the "Frontman" series.
HRT's Diary - Chaostraffic: My favorite Uncle.
Plop Phizz: Thanks for always stopping by.
MAF: Straight up, the coolest!
Incredipete: He's Back on the Air--YAY!

Designed by: Incredipete

2004-08-18 - 8:30 p.m.

Money, Money, Money, Money!

So I started the new job on Monday. This would be the Monday after Kenny Chesney. When I did not even get home until 3:30 a.m. Needless to say, it has been a pretty long week so far. There is so very much for me to learn and it makes my brain tired. It�s all good though. Just give me about six months and I will be running the joint!

The one thing that I have learned without a doubt is there is mad money floating around this place. I now work in what is known as a Wealth Management Advisory Center at a bank. Let�s talk about the name itself. Wealth Management. It must be nice to have so much freakin money that you need someone to manage it for you. I dare say if I ever get rich I think I will somehow manage it just fine on my own thank you very much.

Basically, we handle accounts with a minimum balance of $250,000.00. TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS?!?!? Do you know how long it will take me to make that kind of money much less keep it as a minimum balance? It is surprising how many people in this world actually have that kind of money. My question is where the hell are they working?

I mean I just don�t get it. Are there really that many hype ass jobs out there? And if there are where do we go to apply? It is amazing to me. There are subdivisions springing up near where I live advertising houses starting in the 350�s. The what? Who can afford this? Where are all of these people coming from? You know the ones with the SUV and Mercedes in matching colors sitting in the driveway. What really trips me out is that usually only the husband works. The wife stays at home with the babies (damned if I wouldn�t kill to be able to do that) and pushes the Eddie Bauer stroller around the local towne center all day. These hussies don�t even make dinner because they go out to eat at high dollar restaurants every night. Will someone, anyone, please explain?

I know I�m hatin�. BIG TIME! Maybe one day we will all be rich like that. My only hope�.keep playing the lottry. Somebody�s got to win right?

I�m Movin� On���.

7 Whatcha think?

Steppin' Back - Movin' On

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